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Helpful in seeing how the AFA managed its financial records before Perón. The following year, expenses and income increased by aprox. 80,000 pesos from the 230,000s to the 310,000s
While the Onganía government appointed a interventor to CADCOA, the article critiques the selection of Jorge Noceti Campos as a man ill-equipped to run the organization.
Headline: “Scandal in Wembley, a broken dream and the English exit that was unjust” seemed like a matter-of-fact report on the match; however, some detail appears on the dismissal of Argentine captain Umberto Rattín. He approached the referee in…
River Plate, like many larger clubs, came under scrutiny after the fall of Perón. Here, River shows that all their records and club matters are in order and ask for a return to normalcy in AFA.
In a poor, losing match against Brazil, the national team's performance reflected some of the worst prctices by AFA (hastily arranged matches, inability of securing more than one or two players from a club).
The game, although it had gained widespread popularity in the country, was still fairly new Hence, this article that clears up some
The re-election of Raul Colombo as AFA President also shows Mundo Deportivo that the organization is full of the vices of Argentine soccer: its own survival and parasites.
Colombo is up for re-election as President of AFA, but faces an uphill climb in the post-Frondizi era
The problem of improvisation in Argentine fútbol became the underlying reasons for all the "crises" in the sport (stadium insecurity, player transfers, low scoring, and above all the lack of global success).
This influential piece of legislation, introduced by José Eduardo De Cara, sought to regulate all aspects of sports, and provide some common parameters that could prevent clubs from abusing accords between them.
Mogilevsky clears up why he resigned, what went on with Colombo and AFA officials, and the contradictory statements made about player selections
The "Ley del Deporte" will eventually become law in 1965/1966, here is the formal introduction.
Just a glimpse into how AFA chiefs are selected and deposed by powerful club presidents
Argentine head coach Juan Carlos Lorenzo, attacked by the press as clueless, is accused of not controlling his team. Lorenzo counters these accustaions as reporters ask why certain players were left off team, and why others were included. Lorenzo's…
National team head coach Juan José Pizzutti resigns. Sívori and Peucelle - youth team coaches - demonstrate a hope for the future with clear ideas and organization.Meanwhile, AFA continues to exhibit a lack of organization but seems to move in the…
Back to square-one That is the conclusion of this article with the re-hire of Stabile and the "Comisión de Selección" This meant the process of selecting whomever the AFA could secure from clubs and then forming a team and approach--instead of…
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