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This article reflects a prevailing notion that with Peron exiled, and Peronism proscribed, the best route for the new government is to move forward through leniency. It also quotes Eduardo Lonardi, who said that in the new Argentina "(no hay) ni…
President Juan Perón was an avid sportsman (or at least this was the image he wanted to present to the public) and was especially fond of automobile and motorcycle racing. In this 1954 picture, Perón poses with his motorcycle "Velocette." [Image…
In this particular petition, the Eva Peron Foundation asks for the presence of key government officials as honorary officials in the "Juegos Infantiles Eva Peron" and "Juegos Juveniles Juan Peron."
Photograph of the viewing stands for special guests. The "palco oficial" usually welcomed dignataries, public officials, and leaders of the various club associations and AFA. This image is from a match between River Plate and Boca Juniors that took…
Having lost the rights to host the World Cup in 1962 and again in 1970, the article blames incapable officials who could not secure the necessary votes and a "done deal" by FIFA members before the vote. But, the article also mentions the possible…
This letter is aimed at the actual athletes participating in the sports tournament, linking their efforts and athleticism to the greater pride and success of Argentina.
This brief letter to sportsmen, or pibes, is aimed at connecting sports to nationalism and honoring Eva Peron.
Frondizi's call for national unity and respect for all Argentines is a subtle nod to Peronists, and against those who continue to feel that Peronism should be proscribed.
politics and sports in the pages of El Grafico before the Presidential election in 1963 (post-Frondizi)
The article tries to signal out several areas of improvement (capital, infrastructure, a conducive political environment) that would help Argentine industry improve--although industry is heavily weighted towards agricultural goods, namely beef.
The government encourages River to move forward with public works projects that will employ workers and stimulate the economy, while River officials seek a return to government funding of sports (La Ley del Deporte).
Interesting to see the concerns of the exiled leader, and his literary supporter, printed in their (seeminlgy) entirety. They cite the instability of Frondizi's political position, particularly if he seems to acquiese to foreign investors and thus…
Frondizi re-enters the political stage with Illia in office.
As part of a series on Argentina's youth, Mundo Argentino interviews an up-and-coming fútbol player on a wide range of topics, including his views on Peronism and the current socio-political climate in Argentina. Worth a read for the honesty of the…
The magazine labels Frondizi an enigma, and tries to explain Argentina's new president and governing philosophy to foreign readers.
This piece examines the need for Argentina to sustain economic growth through a mixed economy that has the support of a democratic government. Another example of ideas of desarrolismo that held sway before Frondizi's election as President
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