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Police announce a series of measures to curb fan disorders, including stationing retired policeman at ticket windows to monitor the resale of tickets, barring spectators from bringing objects into stadiums that could inflict damage, and prosecuting…
A look at stadium safety
The point of this article is to show that even in Italy fans are capable of barbárie
Even after the tragedy of Puerta 12, club officials still sell more tickets than seats…causing mass confusion and overcrowding that has been shown to be unsafe for spectators.
This report mostly focuses on the Celtic reaction to the injury to Ronnie Simpson, not so much on the physical aspects of the match. For their part, Argentine journalists immediately shift to the third game, while Foreign press accounts, such as “A…
Film existed of the attack. It showed who attacked him, and who participated even indirectly. The faces of the assassins were captured and they were later identified. Some suspects were merely arrested for interrogation, but it was unknown how many…
The interventor at AFA (Valentín Suárez) suggests that fútbol clubs and police will work together to ensure greater vigilance at stadiums.
The main article chastises club and city officials for not taking stadium security seriously until a tragedy occurs. Another article looks at the effect of new stadium investigations on Ferro Oeste.
These four teams are cited as having insufficiently safe stadiums to hold the number of spectators they receive on a regular basis. AFA is working with stat officials to improve stadium conditions.
This article's nostalgic look at the amateur era of fútbol in Argentina is also a rebuke of the current state of professional fútbol and the level of violence at stadiums.
Different overview of Puerta 12 than found in other sports magazines.
Although no direct connection can be made between these youth and what would later become more organized barras brava, it is interesting to see that the danger in accessing a soccer field so easily became a concern for journalists What would stop 12…
Security is still lacking at stadiums, as evidenced by a seocnd consecutive week of pitch invasions that could have resulted in injuries to fans and players The author asks whether laws have any meanings left?
Low attendance, poor management, lack of involvement by AFA, all lead to a decline in the quality of soccer in Argentina.
Article blames club officials for placing their interests on monetary policies over stadium security and the protection of fans. The author seems to absolve fans from unruly behavior and wonders if anything will come of AFA meausres.
Because El Gráfico was busy heaping praise on itself the previous week, this delayed summary of La Plata's stadium disaster, focusing on the safety and well being of people who attend these matches.
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