Browse Items (208 total)
The coverage in these articles reveal a growing sense of confidence among Argentine players, coaches, and journalists over the team's capacity to defeat England.
A historical account of the "mighty" English and their success against Argentine teams
Titles of articles include: "En todo terreno se evidenció el alma de nuestros muchachos," "Valentía y típico estilo criollo triunfaron en el primer cotejo." The matches in Buenos Aires were highly publicized. Perón attended the first match and…
Various accounts from Italian newspapers agree with Alf Ramsey's assessment that the Argentine players are “animals”. Most newspaper coverage in Italy expressed a degree of surprise at how Estudiantes could turn a match into something beyond sports,…
After defeating Spain and Switzerland, and tying West Germany, Argentina looks ahead to the knock-out stages of the World Cup. The coverage is mostly positive, with a poor win over Switzerland the exception. Nonetheless, the recurring themes are that…
A reference to ”animales” resurfaces, while various accounts of the 2nd leg of the 1968 Intercontinental Cup provide a summary of the match, as well as critical reviews in the European press about the rough style of play of Estudiantes.
South American countries appeal FIFA decision, while the Ramsey "animals" comment receives more attention and a sense of indignation.
Argentines were keenly aware of how modern and industrialized countries viewed them, and Frondizi's visit to the US–the first by an Argentine President–was major news. Notice how some of the coverage depicts Frondizi (and thus Argentina) as a humble…
A look at the coverage of Frondizi's election
In a commentary, Beto Devoto accuses the Italian squad of being complicit in the events at La Bombonera by not trying to win a match, throwing themselves on the ground, and stalling. Of note is that Devoto uses the "we" form–showing that Estudiantes…
This is an account of how a Rácing supporter incapacitated Celtic goalkeeper Ronnie Simpson with a projectile (glass bottle)–an embarassment for Argentineans.
Worth noting that the commentary describes the 1957 team at the Copa Sudamericana as the last criollo team--a good observation.
Big reception by people at the airport. The article characterizes Montevideo and Buenos Aires as united in spirit upon receiving their players as heroes. The mass reception for the national team warranted extensive coverage, but the attention paid to…
Odd occurrence of images celebrating Juan Perón's love for sports in the middle of the military junta under Videla
The article covers the arrival of the national team at Ezeiza airport, as well as foreign reaction to Argentina's matches in France and Brazil.
Ignoring their draw and loss to Uruguay, and silver medal, the newspaper declares Argentina the true champions. Fans are described as feeling the same way.
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