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While the Onganía government appointed a interventor to CADCOA, the article critiques the selection of Jorge Noceti Campos as a man ill-equipped to run the organization.
The era of "fútbol espectáculo" comes to an end. This article looks at the businessmen who directed the fortunes of the clubs over many years, and whose competition fueled high spending. They include: Alberto Armando (Boca Juniors), Herminio Sande…
The author describes the 71 deas, and hundreds injured, as "martyrs" in the service of a public spectacle, suggesting that no serious reform will come of this tragedy. As one sugestion, he offers more television coverage as a possible solution of…
In a poor, losing match against Brazil, the national team's performance reflected some of the worst prctices by AFA (hastily arranged matches, inability of securing more than one or two players from a club).
Even after the tragedy of Puerta 12, club officials still sell more tickets than seats…causing mass confusion and overcrowding that has been shown to be unsafe for spectators.
Looking to Italy, Suárez sees a chance to systematically reform Argentine fútbol by incorporating a legal form of betting before matches. This would raise revenue for clubs mirred in debt.
The article lays much of the blame in River Plate on club officials, who manage to undo many positive reform efforts by coaches and other staff.
Although AFA pushes a new restructuring program for national fútbol, the suggestion here is that these proposals are superficial and fail to address larger problems related to the decline of the quality of play.
A revealing quote on how Frondizi populated his economic team with businessmen ("empresarios") and Illia with economists.
This article supports newspaper accounts of turmoil within the national team and the need to send Valentín Suárez to mediate the situation between players and the head coach Juan Carlos Lorenzo. What makes this piece helpful is that it offers a less…
The cover image suggests that the national team is headed for another "fracaso" (failure) at the World Cup. Lorenzo, in particular, is at the center of the failures of the national team and receives a profile.
Lorenzo threatens to tell all to AFA officials who are ready to get rid of him, while players also bite their tongue for the sake of the national team…but promising to speak plainly upon their return to Buenos Aires.
National team head coach Juan José Pizzutti resigns. Sívori and Peucelle - youth team coaches - demonstrate a hope for the future with clear ideas and organization.Meanwhile, AFA continues to exhibit a lack of organization but seems to move in the…
Liberti was to River Plate what Santiago Bernabeu was to Real Madrid: iconic Presidents deeply tied to the history and identity of a club. His forced resignation shows that the clamor by fans, driven by magazines like River, affected the club's…

River accuses AFA officials and President of trying to make it difficult for River to succeed by arguing for more parity, instead of viewing River as a model of progress.
Unlike the 1928 Olympics, where reasons were largely external, this loss to Uruguay looks inward at poor preparation and the role (for worse) of soccer officials. Negative portrayal of club officials as well-to-do men who become rich off soccer.
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