Browse Items (186 total)
After losing to Germany 3-1, Argentina beat Northern Ireland 3-1 and then lost to Czechoslovakia 6-1 Author blames the lack of professional seriousness by Argentine players in comparison to Europeans Argentine players enjoy soccer, but do not live…
Sanfilippo's behavior on San Lorenzo's tour to Europe became a problem for AFA. With the lack of star strikers in the country, it forced sports officials (with suport from journalists) to bury his indiscretions ahead of the World Cup. Nonetheless,…
The article notes that European teams are preparing well in advance for the World Cup while Argentina continues a haphazard approach beholden to the whims of clubs and ultimately will take different players from the 'tune-up' matches played…
A snapshot of club membership and fútbol events in 1958, when Argentine offered a very poor performance at the World Cup.
Basic information on a C team. Compare this document to 1953 records for Sarmiento as it relates to membership and gender.
This brief synopsis of facility construction helps showcase how these clubs were much more than a pure soccer entity.
Speaking on behalf of Angelillo and Maschio, Sívori tells Argentine journalists that the three of them would like to join the national team for the World Cup. Although AFA eventually decided to ignore their requests, this article is an example of…
At the outset of the new soccer season, the editors highlight the horrible practice of raising ticket prices without any security that fans will not find themselves either locked out of a full-capacity stadium or smothered to death inside Nothing, it…
Mogilevsky is among the finalists for the position of physical trainer on the national team for the 1958 World Cup.
An example of how the government tried to involve itself in club affairs, supported by the debts club teams were incurring and monies they received from the government.
The author (who was expelled under the military because of ties to Peronism and outspoken nature about human rights) cites two main (and historic) problems with the university system: the call for autonomy and the fradulent restructuring that…
These detailed charts help us understand the amount of money River Plate raised in 1958 through fútbol matches, and the impact of player transfers in financing the fourth section of the stadium.
Little mention of the role of the police
At a crossroads, the author boils down the debate over how university systems should be structured into 2 camps: liberals and nationalists/populists; the former favor an open education and the latter favor a continued curriculum dictated by a small…
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