Browse Items (44 total)
The players, who were owed some money by the club due to their success earlier in the year, protested by refusing to play. Instead, they sat in the stands and observed reserve players on the field. Fans, upset at the presence of the star players in…
Unclear whether El Grafico selectively chooses to publish incidents at stadiums but this episode is noticeable amid a mood of positive hope on the state of Argentine soccer (but negative disillusionment at fans?)
Low attendance, poor management, lack of involvement by AFA, all lead to a decline in the quality of soccer in Argentina.
Instead of lamenting the use of gas and water hoses by the police, the magazine presents these and other forms of public control as "obstacles" that the stoicism of the brave hinchas overcame.
Although Troilo would become later associated with River Plate, here he contributes his thoughts as a soccer fan.
The article praises the fan who supports teams with a positive spirit, but blasts the "hincha" ("uno de los seres más desagradables y perniciosos de nuestro actual medio")
Condemns the actions of "hinchas" that overshadowed the soccer game and cost the life of a young fan Panzeri blames the animalistic fans, who threw projectiles at the River goalie throughout the match In turn, the River fans retaliated and police…
Panzeri uses the easing of sanctions on River Plate as a moment to chastise club officials and politicians Acknowledging that politics has no business in soccer, he nonetheless feels that soccer is synonymous with citizenry and that journalists can…
A match between Lanus and Racing is delayed by a player feigning injury, then attacked by police, then escorted off the field, and finally the home team tying. Police (not surprisingly) launch gas canisters at unruly crowd. The accompanying article…
Although this brief article has a stated purpose of showcasing how Boca Juniors fans celebrate a victory over River, it is mostly acts as a form of criticism and crude generalizations about these fans. The image of Boca fans celebrating their victory…
Fan coverage of other fans. Notice the language used…seeds of a barras brava?
Cartoon shows either fans riling up a player, or viceversa.
Comment blasts the conditions Argentine soccer continues to find itself in when hinchas are mercilessly attacking each other
Are fans from the popular class being priced out?
"Patotas" refers to a gang of young men who spend their days aggravating others and causing mischief. The article defends passionate San Lorenzo fans by claiming that exuberance should not be confused with delinquent behavior. It is worth noting that…
The harassing of referees, presence of fans on the field, gas canisters and hoses aimed at hinchas, and other routine incidents call for a reform structure and morality in Argentine soccer.
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