Browse Items (110 total)
Although the player's strike did take place in 1949, these negotiations offer an insight into the main sticking points between players and club officials
Students, deeply divided along political lines, are increasingly coming into conflict. One reformer proposes an increase of funding for university sports–long abandoned. His reasoning is that students are less likely to come into political…
El Grafico surmises that politics, and a continual preference for a European/modern style favored by coaches like Spinetto and Lorenzo, led AFA officials to select Jose Della Torre over Perdenera Colombo, President of AFA, publicly stated that he…
Frondizi cites four main problems facing Argentina: lack of social peace, the failure to maintain institutional normalcy, judicial instability, and economic instability. He outlines an end to political repressions and calls for judicial guarantees,…
Names after Juan Perón, this brief article highlights Racing's stadium
Images of Eva Perón show her devotion to sports and Argentine athletes
A helpful look at how a non-military politician positions himself as both a non-Peronist and as a civilian with an alternative plan for the country.
Romero, an intellectual and noted historian, was a Socialist figure and professor at Universidad de la Plata. He provides reasons, a year away from possible elections, as to why Frondizi will become the next President of Argentina. This a valuable…
Almost every popular magazine profiled Frondizi either on the eve of his election, or afterwards. Here, the magazine takes a look at personal life of the President-elect.
Great piece! The commentary reflects the historical use of fútbol for political propaganda, the strained relations between England and Argentina, and the use of fútbol teams in the construction of nationalism.
As the brother to the Vice-President, Perette is another in a long line of AFA Presidents that were intimately tied to the head of state (such as Ramón Castillo in the early 1940s, Oscar Nicolini under Perón, and Frondizi's childhood friend Raúl…
Gaona, in the interview, discusses a wide range of topics affecting AFA and Argentine fútbol in 1970–including the reversal on the lifelong ban of Estudiantes' Poletti.
The interview reveals how those associated with the short-lived moderate military junta under Lonardi differ sharply from the more intranigent military figures in control in 1957. Here, Goyeneche criticizes authoritarian measures by the government,…
Coverage eventually shifted to unearth the controversies and team discord that affected the national team in England.
Liberti was to River Plate what Santiago Bernabeu was to Real Madrid: iconic Presidents deeply tied to the history and identity of a club. His forced resignation shows that the clamor by fans, driven by magazines like River, affected the club's…
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