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Alfredo Gierken writes that the club bias by the editors of the magazine affected the article "Los malos embajadores" from September 3, thus characterizing San Lorenzo in a negative light while absolving teams like Boca Juniors that are favored by…
English football officials lay flowers (dedicated by English sports writers). Eva's memorial at the CGT (Consejo General de Trabajo)
The death of Mario Linker, although not the first in Argentine fútbol, was widely reported in the press. As a consequence, politicians became involved to demonstrate their ability to quell violence at the stadiums (but more likely this was just…
Fontanarrosa comments on the death of a fan (Suoto), the threats on journalists, and other forms of violence as a renewal of old calls by El Grafico to end this nonsense (and heed the calls for civility by the government)
The first article is an opinion on why violence in soccer is a national problem, while the second one highlights the "blame game" that Boca Juniors fans played in the press in order to avoid any responsibility
Showing that South American opponents are now catching up to the powerhouses, Peru ties Argentina in the Copa Sudamericana
Helpful images of Borocotó, Chantecler, Félix Fráscara, and a mention of Dante Panzeri
Great article. The national team coach, Maschio, is fired under pressure from sports reporters who found themselves suddenly limited in their access to the national team (but well within the boundaries for journalists). The interventor of AFA is also…
The author believes that Estudiantes-known for overly physical play and whining to officials-does deserve "preferential treatment": as the exception to a sport played by teams that respect the rules. A very helpful article in listing matches and…
Racing champions, “los vencedores.” A populist summary of the match played in Montevideo that basks in Argentina's first title on the world soccer stage.
Coverage looks at tactical approaches by Alf Ramsey (England) and Juan Carlos Lorenzo (Argentina), as well as the excitement among the general public for this match.
Surprising threats from Racing fans against El Grafico, feeling that their team was being disparaged by the sports magazine Police react seriously to threats
This commentary takes the police to task for complaining about how the press covers their methods of subduing passionate soccer fans While on the one hand the police are needed to re-establish order, it is also the responsibility of the press to…
Photo claims that the police were the assailants.
Borocotó died suddenly in 1964 and this rival sports publication pays homage
Argentine press routinely offered foreign accounts, even in 1944
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